Grey Hair?

Grey hair can be beautiful, are no two ways about it. More and more people are embracing their silver strands than ever, but it can look dull if not cared after properly.

To make your silver hair pop, try mixing a little baking soda with conditioner and leaving it on for two minutes as a hair mask. Then just rinse it out, and do a final rinse with a pitcher of water with a splash of vinegar to tighten up the strands of your hair.

Knee Injections For Osteoarthritis

Steroidal injections in the knee have finally been proven to advance osteoarthritis by narrowing the space between the joints. However, hyaluronic injections strengthen cartilage and thicken the fluid between the joints.

Foods high in hyaluronic acid are organic soy and citrus fruits.

And my personal daily regimen since having a hip replacement 10 years ago includes 1 teaspoon of gelatin in hot beverages or soups, and 1/2 inch of raw turmeric root. My osteoarthritis has progressed very slowly since using this protocol.

Homemade Laundry Powder

Laundry Powder


2 c. washing soda*
2 c. baking soda
2/3 c. Epsom salts, fine
3 T. table salt

*If you don’t have access to washing soda, bake 2 cups of baking soda for 2 hours at 400F.


Blend all ingredients and keep in an air-tight container.

Use 1 tablespoon for a medium load, 2 for a large or greasier load.

Yield: 60 medium loads

Note: Don’t put essential oils in this as the baking soda as a deodorizing agent will weaken any scent.

You can throw in a few aspirin for whites to help keep them from greying or yellowing, when laundering with light colours.

Lazy Lady’s Shower Spray

Tired of cleaning and scrubbing your shower stall’s ceramics? Scrub it once now, then take a break for the next few weeks, at least. How?

Into a spray bottle put:

1/4 c. isopropyl alcohol
1/4 c. white vinegar
1/2 t. dish detergent (Dawn is excellent)

Top it up gently with warm water, swirling as you go to disperse the detergent, then cap tightly.

Before showering, spray down the shower wherever it gets wet. Afterwards you can rinse those areas down. This spray takes the minerals down the drain and leaves your ceramic clean and shiny. No kidding, I only scrub every few months…but then, there is only me using the shower and my spray.

Foot Bath, Foot Care


Foot Bath:
2 L very warm water
1/4 c. hydrogen peroxide
1 T. sea salt

Foot care:
2 T. apple cider vinegar
1 capsule vitamin E

InstructionsMix together in a basin and soak feet for 7 minutes. If skin turns yellow, soak for another 5 minutes before exfoliating. Rinse well and towel dry before applying cream.

Twice a week, mix ACV with contents of a vitamin E capsule. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and apply to feet. Allow to dry. Especially good for foot odour.

Sylvia Genders
Brampton, Ontario
where December is
Christian Heritage Month!

Shine Boosting Treatment For Hair

Shine Boosting Treatment For Hair

★ : 4.5


1 part baking soda*
2 parts shampoo


Think summer’s bad? Hair takes a beating all winter long due to the cold outside and over-heated indoor air indoors, which saps all the moisture out of your locks.

To make your hair soft and shiny again, use some baking soda. It changes the pH of the shampoo so it becomes really deep-cleaning.

Have lots of product to get rid of? Or poor circulation? Apply the baking soda enhanced shampoo to wet hair, and gently massage the scalp using a soft-bristled brush.

Finally, after rinsing the shampoo out of the hair, apply a final apple cider vinegar rinse (1 teaspoon to a quart of cool water) to add an instant boost of shine. Don’t worry, it won’t smell.

Tip for healthier hair- massage a little rosemary oil into your scalp at least 15 minutes before shampooing.

*Another benefit of baking soda? It naturally removes product build-up. You can use up to 3 parts to remove heavy styling products after being in fashion shows, theatre plays, Halloween, etc.

Natural Approaches To Shingles


From a good supplier, buy the following essential oils – NOT from China unless nothing else is available:

German Chamomile (small)
4 oz. Spray bottle
4 oz. Lotion bottle

From the drug store:
Calomine lotion
Cotton balls

From the health food store:
Liquid Lecithin
Cat’s Claw Capsules

From the grocery store:
Baking soda
Coconut oil


Mix 4 oz. Calomine lotion with:
10 drops German Chamomile
10 drops Lavender
Shake and apply to sores twice a day

Mix 3 drops of Geranium in:
1 teaspoon water
And apply to sores once a day

Massage rest of body (not sores) with:
2 tablespoons coconut oil
10 drops Geranium
10 drops Lavender
8 drops Lemon
2 drops Thyme

Wash hands well after applying.

Bathe in tub with 1 cup baking soda and three drops Lavender oil.

1 capsule Cat’s Claw as directed on bottle
(NAC, Quercetin and Zinc are also helpful to kick start the immune system)
1 teaspoon liquid Lecithin mixed with
1 teaspoon molasses/honey (coats and insulates nerve sheath)
1/4 lemon peel blenderized in one cup of water (super, bitter antiviral flavonoids – with juice is fine)

Antiviral Air Spray:
Mix 1/4 c. Water
10 drops Lemon
20 drops Thyme

Shake well and use around bed, on pillows and sheets, on surfaces, in bathroom, etc. Spray some on lightbulb before turning on as this helps keep down propagation of viruses on surfaces wherever the light hits – but according to the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, they don’t know why thyme works this way).

The Calomine Lotion recipe can be used on chicken pox, and replaced with unscented petroleum jelly for cold sores and herpes. Helichrysum essential oil may also be used on cold sores like geranium, and may replace lavender.

***On a personal note, I have known six people with shingles, but only two would try this protocol based on Valerie Walwood’s books. The two who did told me their shingles had dried up within the week. The others I knew did not fare so well nor as quickly, and one suffered with them for six months.